About The 48 Hour Film Project

Founded in 2001 in Washington, D.C., the 48 Hour Film Project has grown into a global phenomenon that challenges filmmakers to create short films in just 48 hours. What began as a creative experiment by founder Mark Ruppert has evolved into an international celebration of creativity, with Ruppert and Liz Langston continuing to lead the project's expansion.

Today, the competition draws nearly 40,000 passionate filmmakers who produce thousands of original films across more than 76 cities worldwide. This incredible growth demonstrates the universal appeal of this unique creative challenge.

Filmapalooza and Cannes

What happens after the local 48? The top films earn more exposure. The Best Film in each city screens at our annual international film festival—Filmapalooza. This fest features screenings, workshops and parties and is attended by filmmakers from around the world. At the Awards Ceremony we announce the Grand Champion of the Year!

Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner

Many of our films go on to festivals around the world, but we are proud of our 17 year partnership with the Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner. Each year we take a selection of our top films to screen at the festival. It is an amazing experience for our filmmakers.