Finland 48 Hour Film Project

Join us for Finland's official 48-hour film making competition, showcasing creativity and talent!

48 Film Project

The 48 Hour Film Project is a fast-paced filmmaking competition where teams have just two days to write, shoot, and edit a short film based on assigned elements, fostering creativity and collaboration under intense time constraints.


Filmapalooza is an annual film festival and film-making conference. It takes place every year in March. Filmmakers from all over the world gather in a different city every year to celebrate winning films, creativity and each other. Filmapalooza serves as the ultimate destination for filmmakers who have participated in the 48 Hour Film Project in various cities worldwide throughout the previous year.

Yes We Cannes

For 17 remarkable years, the 48 Hour Film Project has maintained a proud partnership with the Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner, one of the most prestigious film events in the world. Each year, a carefully curated selection of the project's top films earns the extraordinary opportunity to be screened at this renowned festival.

The 48 Hour Film Project

The 48 takes place on different weekends in different cities throughout the year. In each city local Film Teams—from beginners to pro's--compete to make a short film in only a weekend! Do you and your friends have what it takes to make a film on the fly?

It all begins with the Friday night Kickoff event when you and teams in your city draw genres out of a hat and receive the required elements for your film.

Then it is off to the races—writing, shooting and editing and doing whatever it takes to submit your short film on Sunday night.

The big payoff is seeing your masterpiece in the big screen at a local theater. Every film, both on-time and late, will screen. There is nothing better than seeing your film with an audience and seeing firsthand how they react to your movie.

At the city awards event, the winning films—as determined by local judges—are announced. More than a dozen awards are given—from Best Acting to Best Directing to the top prize: Best Film.

Filmapalooza: The Grand Finale

The journey doesn't end at the city level. Each year, winning films from participating cities (now representing 125 cities as of 2023) advance to Filmapalooza, the project's prestigious culminating festival. Established in 2003, Filmapalooza brings together the best films from around the globe to compete for top honors in various categories.

Adding to its international flavor, Filmapalooza changes location each year, giving filmmakers the opportunity to showcase their work in different cultural settings while connecting with fellow creators from around the world.

Finland 48hr Film

The 48hr Film Project has come back to Finland, since its one time debut in Helsinki in 2008, now being hosted in beautiful city of Tampere!

Just like in 2008, Finland is home to the first and only official 48hr Film Project in all of the Nordics! It is also the largest film competition in the Nordics.

What are you waiting for? Register today
click the button to register at the Official 48hr film project website